List of articles:
- Effects of the Weight loss Treatment on Selected Kinematic Gait Parameters in Obese Women
- The Affects of a Warm-up and the Recovery Interval Prior to Exercise on Anaerobic Power and Acid-base Balance in Man.
- Social Status and Self-Assessment of Health Condition as Factors Determining Access to Physical Recreation among Former Female Athletes as Compared to Women without Competitive Sports Experience.
- Hemodynamic effects of strength exercises
- The influence of interval training on selected indicators of anaerobic efficiency in untrained men
- Physical Endurance and Swimming Technique in 400 Metre Front Crawl Race
- Biometric Model and Classification Functions in Sport Climbing
- Fitness of 50 – 96 Years Old Women
- Somatic and Fitness Endowment of Sprinting Stride in the Context of Developmental Changes and Diverse Sport Activities
- Biological Regeneration as a Factor for Muscle Strength Optimization in Upper Limbs of Disabled Weight lifters with Cerebral Palsy
- Objective Assessment and Importance of Stability and Motor Control in Sports Performance