Volume 91 (2024)


Effects of Eccentric Speed during Front Squat Conditioning Activity on Post-activation Performance Enhancement of Hip and Thigh Muscles

Petr Stastny, Dominik Kolinger, Anna Pisz, Michał Wilk, Jan Petruzela, Michał Krzysztofik

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 5-18

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/183917


Strength Training Frequency and Athletic Performancein High School Girls Basketball Players

Erika Viramontes, J. Jay Dawes, Jared W. Coburn, Robert G. Lockie

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 19-31

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/184042


Do Activities Performed within the Intra-Contrast Rest Interval Affect Neuromuscular Performance during Complex-Contrast Training Protocols?

Daniel Gutiérrez-Flores, Pedro E. Alcaraz, Patrick Cormier, Antonio Martínez-Serrano, Tomás T. Freitas

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 33-46

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/184168


High-Density Electromyography Excitation in Frontvs. Back Lat Pull-Down Prime Movers

Riccardo Padovan, Nicholas Toninelli, Stefano Longo, Gianpaolo Tornatore, Fabio Esposito, Emiliano Cè, Giuseppe Coratella

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 47-60

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185211


Fatigue and Metabolic Responses during Repeated Setsof Bench Press Exercise to Exhaustionat Different Ranges of Motion

Athanasios Tsoukos, Michał Krzysztofik, Michal Wilk, Adam Zajac, Michail G. Panagiotopoulos, Ilias-Iason Psarras, Despina P. Petraki, Gerasimos Terzis, Gregory C. Bogdanis

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 61-76

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185524


The Effects of Holistic, External, and Internal Attentional FocusInstructions on Power and Kinematicsof the Hang Power Snatch in Highly Skilled Weightlifters

Jerzy Sadowski, Paulina Szyszka, Hubert Makaruk, Marcin Starzak, Tomasz Niźnikowski

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 77-86

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185525


The Effect of Time-Equated Concurrent Training Programsin Resistance-Trained Men

Chad Dolan, Justin M. Quiles, Jacob A. Goldsmith, Kristin M. Mendez, Alex Klemp, Zac P. Robinson, Joshua C. Pelland, Catherine Coccia, Michael C. Zourdos

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 87-103

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185637


Are Diminishing Potentiation and Large Extensor Momentsthe Cause for the Occurrence of the Sticking Region in MaximumFree-Weight Barbell Back Squatsamong Resistance-Trained Males?

Roland van den Tillaar, Hallvard Nygaard Falch, Stian Larsen

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 105-119

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185720


Braking and Propulsion Phase Characteristics of Traditionaland Accentuated Eccentric Loaded Back Squats

Timothy J. Suchomel, Conor J. Cantwell, Brookelyn A. Campbell, Zachary S. Schroeder, Lauren K. Marshall, Christopher B. Taber

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 121-133

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185726


The Effects of Resistance Training on Sport-Specific Performanceof Elite Athletes: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Hubert Makaruk, Marcin Starzak, Piotr Tarkowski, Jerzy Sadowski, Jason Winchester

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 135-155

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/185877


A Practical Approach for Ischemic Preconditioning Interventionin Sports: A Pilot Study for Cuff Thigh Occlusion PressureEstimation Based on Systolic Blood Pressure

Géssyca T. de Oliveira, Hiago L. R. Souza, Eduardo O. Prazeres, Bernardo P. Bernardes, Stephen D. Patterson, Rhaí André Arriel, Gustavo Bittencourt Camilo, Rodrigo Hohl, Anderson Meireles, Moacir Marocolo

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 157-164

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186064


Changes of Anaerobic Power and Lactate Concentrationfollowing Intense Glycolytic Efforts in Elite and Sub-Elite400-meter Sprinters

Andrzej Mastalerz, Monika Johne, Anna Mróz, Aleksandra Bojarczuk, Petr Stastny, Miroslav Petr, Dominik Kolinger, Anna Pisz, Pavlina Vostatkova, Ewelina Maculewicz

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 165-174

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186074


Jump Squats Performed with Both Light and Heavy Loads HaveSimilar Effects on the Physical Performance of Elite RugbyPlayers during the Initial Phase of the Competitive Period

Irineu Loturco, Lucas A. Pereira, Túlio B. M. A. Moura, Valter P. Mercer, Marina T. Betelli, Maurício S. Ramos, Santiago Zabaloy, Fernando Pareja-Blanco

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 175-188

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186340


The Impact of Range of Motion on Applied Force Characteristics and Electromyographic Activity during Repeated Setsof Bench Press Exercise

Athanasios Tsoukos, Michal Wilk, Michał Krzysztofik, Adam Zajac, Gregory C. Bogdanis

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 189-204

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186341


The Importance of Recoveryin Resistance Training Microcycle Construction

Colby A. Sousa, Michael C. Zourdos, Adam G. Storey, Eric R. Helms

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 205-223

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186659


Not Only Protein: Dietary Supplements to Optimize the SkeletalMuscle Growth Response to Resistance Training:The Current State of Knowledge

Antonio Paoli, Giuseppe Cerullo, Antonino Bianco, Marco Neri, Federico Gennaro, Davide Charrier, Tatiana Moro

Journal of Human Kinetics volume 91/2024, 225-244

DOI: 10.5114/jhk/186660