List of articles:
- Quantitative MRI of Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Gluteus Medius Muscle Workload after Squat Exercise: Comparison Between Squatting with Hip Adduction and Hip Abduction
- Kinematics of The Hip and Body Center of Mass in Front Crawl
- Gender Differences in Postural Stability Among Children
- Rotational Preference in Gymnastics
- Relationship Between Motor Variability, Accuracy, and Ball Speed in the Tennis Serve
- The Effect of Depth on Drag During the Streamlined Glide: A Three-Dimensional CFD Analysis
- H:Q Ratios and Bilateral Leg Strength in College Field and Court Sports Players
- Effects of Exercise Continued Until Anaerobic Threshold on Balance Performance in Male Basketball Players
- The Relationships Between Plasma Adrenomedullin and Endothelin-1 Concentrations and Doppler Echocardiographic Indices of Left Ventricular Function During Static Exercise in Healthy Men
- Effects of multi-ingredient supplementation on resistance training in young males
- A Review on the Effects of Soccer Small-Sided Games
- Validity and Reproducibility of the Sargent Jump Test in the Assessment of Explosive Strength in Soccer Players
- The Effects of Rhythm Training on Tennis Performance
- Stability Ball Training on Lower Back Strength has Greater Effect in Untrained Female Compared to Male
- Comparison of a New Test For Agility and Skill in Soccer With Other Agility Tests
- Self-Determination and Goal Orientation in Track and Field
- Development of Sport Courage Scale
- The Effect of Goal Setting Difficulty on Serving Success in Table Tennis and the Mediating Mechanism of Self-regulation
- Psychophysiological Responses to Competition and the Big Five Personality Traits