The Affects of a Warm-up and the Recovery Interval Prior to Exercise on Anaerobic Power and Acid-base Balance in Man.

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Stanislaw Poprzecki, Adam Zajac, Bartlomiej Wower, Jaroslaw Cholewa

The main objective of the paper was to evaluate the influence of warm up and the rest interval separating it from exercise on maximal anaerobic power and acid-base balance (ABB). The research material included 12 students of physical education with an average age, maximal oxygen uptake, body height and mass The students performed 3 exercise trials. During trial I a 30s Wingate test was preceded by a 15 min warm-up performed on a ergocycle with the intensity set at 50% VO2max and the pedaling frequency equal to 60 rev./min. The rest interval between the end of warm-up and the onset of exercise equaled 5 min. During the second trial the same warm-up procedure was conducted yet the rest interval between the cessation of warm-up and exercise equaled 15 min. On the third occasion the 30 s Wingate test was performed without a warm-up. During the Wingate test the following variables were registered: total external work (WTOT ),maximal power (Pmax), average power (PAV), time of reaching Pmax (TrPmax) the index of power decrement (Pdi%). Additionally the following acid –base variables were evaluated in the blood: LA, HCO3, BE and pH. The results of ANOVA did not show a significant effect of the 15 min warm-up on all the considered anaerobic power indices: WTOT, Pmax, PAV, TrPmax, while statistically significant effects of the warm-up were obtained in post exercise plasma LA concentration and other acid-base balance variables (p<0,001, F=13,06), HCO3 (p<0,001, F= 14,61), pH (p<0,01, F= 11,49), BE (p<0,001, F= 14,97)...
Key words
warm-up, rest interval, acid-base balance, Wingate test

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