List of articles:
- Change of Direction Deficit: A Promising Method to Measure a Change of Direction Ability in Adolescent Basketball Players
- Effectiveness and Kinematic Analysis of Initial Step Patterns for Multidirectional Acceleration in Team and Racquet Sports
- Change of Direction Performance and its Physical Determinants Among Young Basketball Male Players
- Training to Improve Pro-Agility Performance: A Systematic Review
- Relationships between Sprint, Acceleration, and Deceleration Metrics with Training Load in Division I Collegiate Women’s Soccer Players
- Change of Direction Ability as a Sensitive Marker of Adaptation to Different Training Configurations, and Different Populations: Results from Four Experiments
- Lower Limb Skeletal Robustness Determines the Change of Directional Speed Performance in Youth Ice Hockey
- Reactive Agility in Competitive Young Volleyball Players: A Gender Comparison of Perceptual-Cognitive and Motor Determinants
- The Relationship among Acceleration, Deceleration and Changes of Direction in Repeated Small Sided Games
- Relationship among the Change of Direction Ability, Sprinting, Jumping Performance, Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Speed Reserve: A Cross-Sectional Study in Elite 3×3 Basketball Players
- Construct Validity and Applicability of a Team-Sport-Specific Change of Direction Test
- Effects of Arm Dominance and Decision Demands on Change of Direction Performance in Handball Players