Knowledge Areas Necessary for Successful NCAA Division III Certified Athletic Trainers: NCAA Division III Certified Athletic Trainers’ Perceptions

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Robert Schneider, Timothy J. Henry, William F. Stier Jr.

NCAA Division III head certified athletic trainers (ATCs) (n=185) were surveyed to determine knowledge areas needed by ATCs to be successful as Division III ATCs. A Likert-like scale survey consisted of 12 athletic training related knowledge areas and included the following five point scale: essential, very important, important, not very important, and irrelevant. Findings indicated that it is important that Division III ATCs have all 12 knowledge areas to be successful. Although injury-related knowledge areas were considered essential, all of the knowledge areas were at least considered important to the success of ATCs, and none were considered irrelevant. Those involved in athletic training curricular issues should place or continue to place the most emphasis on areas related to injuries.
DOI 10.2478/v10078‐09‐0012‐7
Key words
sport injuries, athletic trainers, education programs, survey

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