Characteristics of Physical Loads of Young Footballers During a Championship Match

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Marcin Andrzejewski, Beata Pluta, Dariusz Posiadala

The aim of the work was to characterize physical loads present during a champion match among young footballers. The research was conducted on a group of 10 football players at the age of 13.5 ± 0.4, with training experience of 4 years. The average body height of the players was 162. 32 ± 7.73 cm and the average body mass was 51.12 ± 7.72 kg. In effort to analyze the selected motor performances of the players during the match, a kinematic method by Erdmann (2000) was applied. The analysis of motor activeness was conducted during the first and the second half of the game. The results are shown as arithmetic means and standard deviation. To compare the values, Student’s t-test for the linked samples was applied. The significance level was p ≤ 0.05. The results of the study show that the total distance covered by the young football players averaged 4,252 metres. The longest, statistically relevant mean dis-tance (p ≤ 0.05) was covered by the midfielders (4, 486 m). The analysis of the mean distance covered by the players with an established speed below the anaerobic threshold was 3,596 ± 207 metres, which makes up 84.57 % of the total distance covered during the game. A thorough analysis of the number of sprints revealed that a player per-forms 18 of them on average throughout the game. The highest maximum running speed (7.0 m/s) was achieved by the midfielders. The defenders proved to be slowest (6.5 m/s), while the forwards had the second fastest average maximum running speed (6.8 m/s).
DOI 10.2478/v10078‐09‐0010‐9
Key words
physical loads, motor performance, match distance covered, sprint

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