Co-ordinative competence and health
Article (PDF)
Hirtz P.
Besides an efficient capacity of the cardiovascular system and metabolic processes, health includes an efficient motor activity in the sense of optimal motor control and regulation processes. We begin from the characterization of motor competence as a related construct of requirements, tasks and environmental situations on one hand and of skills, abilities, resources and capabilities of individual persons on the other hand. Motor competence is one aspect of human performance competence. Coordinative competence is an aspect of motor competence. To strive for competence and to realize one’s own competence is one of the fundamental human needs. Motor competence expresses itself in application, combination and in using human resources, which correspond with certain demands. Motor competence appears and develops only in case the human being is subjected to concrete motor demands. Health value of co-ordinative competence: It guarantees to cope successfully with motor demands of work and everyday life; it avoids unnecessary movement of muscles, reduces consumption of oxygen, and improves the economy of physical activity; it prevents functional miss-load as well as weakening and shortening certain groups ofmuscles; it evokes aesthetic feelings, joy, satisfaction as well as mental and social wellbeing. The paper illustrates the importance of the inter-relationship between coordinative competence and health, especially for the elderly.
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