Correlation Between Match Performance and Field Tests in Professional Soccer Players
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Paulo E. Redkva, Mauro R. Paes, Ricardo Fernandez, Sergio G. da-Silva
The aim of this study was to investigate possible correlations between aerobic and anaerobic fitness (in field tests) with performance during a 90 min friendly match, through the following variables: total distance covered, maximal running speed, number of high-intensity actions and number of sprints. Eighteen professional soccer players from a Brazilian elite team (age 23 ± 3 years, body mass 77.5 ± 8.9 kg) participated in the study. The athletes performed a Yo-Yo Endurance Test (aerobic fitness) and a Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (six maximal 35 m efforts separated by 10 s of passive recovery, anaerobic fitness). Data were collected during friendly matches using a GPS with 5 Hz technology. To establish the correlation between the variables determined during the matches, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used (significance level of p ≤ 0.05). A high correlation was found between distance covered in the Yo-Yo endurance test and total distance covered (r = 0.72; p < 0.05), number of high-intensity actions (r = 0.78; p < 0.05) and number of sprints (r = 0.88; p < 0.01) in the soccer matches. The RAST variables did not relate to the standards set during the matches (p < 0.05). From the results of the present study, it may be concluded that there is no correlation between RAST and friendly match data variables. However, better results in the Yo-Yo endurance test correlate with total distance, number of high-intensity actions and sprints during matches.
DOI: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0171
Key words
Yo-Yo Endurance Test, RAST, soccer evaluation, GPS