Effect of 16 Weeks of Resistance Training on Fatigue Resistance in Men and Women
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Alex S. Ribeiro, Ademar Avelar, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Michele C.C. Trindade, Raphael M. Ritti-Dias, Leandro R. Altimari, Edilson S. Cyrino
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hypertrophy-type resistance training (RT) on upper limb fatigue resistance in young adult men and women. Fifty-eight men (22.7±3.7 years, 70.6±9.3 kg, and 176.8±6.4 cm) and 65 women (21.6±3.7 years, 58.8±11.9 kg, and 162.6±6.2 cm) underwent RT for 16 weeks. Training consisted of 10-12 whole body exercises with 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions maximum performed 3 times per week. Before and after the RT intervention participants were submitted to 1RM testing, as well as a fatigue protocol consisting of 4 sets at 80% 1RM on bench press (BP) and arm curl (AC). The sum of the number of repetitions accomplished in the 4 sets in each exercise was used to indicate fatigue resistance. There was a significant (p<0.05) time-by-group interaction in 1RM BP (men=+16%, women=+26%), however in 1RM AC no significant time-by-group interaction was observed (men=+14%, women=+23%). For the total number of repetitions, men and women showed a significant increase in BP (men=+16.3%, women=+10.5%) with no time-by-group interaction. The results suggest that the adaptation in maximal strength is influenced by sex in BP. On the other hand, for fatigue resistance, the individual’s sex does not seem to influence outcomes either in BP or AC.
DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2014-0071
Key words
resistance training, one-repetition maximum, muscular endurance, sex