Muscle Activation Profiles of Lower Extremities in Different Throwing Techniques and in Jumping Performance in Elite and Novice Greek Judo Athletes

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Georgios Zaggelidis, Savvas Lazaridis

The aim of this study was to examine the neuromuscular adaptations of knee muscles during hip throwing techniques and vertical jumps in elite and novice Greek judokas. Ten elite and ten novice judokas performed two hip throws and different vertical jumping tasks. Surface electromyograms were recorded from vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles along with generated kinetics. Elite judokas revealed higher EMG activity of agonist muscles during throws and jumps but lower co-activation levels. Better jumping performance, better utilisation of the stretch-shortening cycle mechanism, higher and earlier generated push-off forces and shorter contact time periods characterized elite judokas. Total neuromuscular activation that adopt elite judokas reveals a more mature and skill dependent strategy compared to novice ones. Key words: electromyography, judo, vertical jumping, hip throw, co-contraction ratio.
DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2013-0026
Key words
electromyography, judo, vertical jumping, hip throw, co-contraction ratio

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