A Unique Case of Supraspinatus Tendonitis after Tennis Forehand Repetitive Motions

 Article (PDF) 
Niksa Djurovic, Mladen Hraste, Ljubica Stanisic, Mislav Lozovina, Vinko Lozovina, Leo Pavicic

A unique case of a professional tennis player who sustained a traumatic supraspinatus tendonitis while playing Forehand was presented. This case shows how science fields could and should cooperate in the future since this appears to be the first report of high inflammatory of supraspinatus tendon during Forehand motions. Instead of aggressive treatment in the form of surgery, a team of experts decided for new treatment that brought exceptional results.
DOI 10.2478/v10078-010-0014-5
Key words
3D biomechanical analysis, chiropractics, massage, video simulation, tennis

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