Title IX Compliance in NCAA Athletic Departments: Perceptions of Senior Woman Administrators
Article (PDF)
Robert C. Schneider, William F. Stier Jr., Timothy J. Henry, Gregory E. Wilding
Perceptions of Senior Woman Administrators (SWAs) were sought regarding the equal provision of 13 Title IX compliance areas in women’s athletic programs as compared to men’s. A five point agree/disagree Likert-scale sur-vey was electronically mailed to all SWAs at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) membership institu-tions throughout the United States. Of the 841 surveys mailed, 406 were returned for a 48.3% return rate. The SWAs disagreed or strongly disagreed at the highest rates that the following five Title IX compliance areas were being provided for equally in the women’s programs when compared to the men’s: publicity (31.0%), locker room fa-cilities (27.1%), coaching (20.0%), recruitment of student-athletes (15.4%), and equipment and supplies (14.7%). Significant differences between Likert-scale items of agreement/disagreement were found among the following SWA demographics: marital status, NCAA Division, years of experience, and reporting structure. The SWAs agreed or strongly agreed that the 13 Title IX compliance areas were being provided for equally in the women’s programs when compared to the men’s at the following rates: housing & dining facilities (84.4%), medical & training facilities (84.3%), scheduling of games (81.1%), travel & per diem allowances (80.5%), practice facilities (78.7%), competi-tive facilities (78.4%), equipment and supplies (77.7%), support services (76.0%), tutoring (74.3%), recruitment of student-athletes (73.2%), coaching (70.3%), locker room facilities (63.2%), and publicity (55.3%).
DOI 10.2478/v10078-010-0013-6
Key words
sex discrimination, equality, sport, survey