Adolescent Attitudes towards Sport Depending on School Level, Gender and School Sports Club Membership
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Rajmund Tomik
The aim of the study was to evaluate adolescent attitudes towards different aspects of sport activi-ties, in relation to school level, gender and membership in a school sports club (SSC). The Diagnostic Questionnaire for Testing Youth’s Attitude towards Physical Education and Sport developed by Strzyżewski (1990) constituted the main research tool. The present paper analyzed responses to 11 selected questions, which reflect attitudes towards sport. Three aspects were studied (1) attitude towards sport as a social phenomenon, (2) attitude towards own participation in sports activities, and (3) attitude towards school sport. The survey was launched in 623 clubs, which were randomly selected from the database of the Polish Ministry of Sport. A total of 2704 correctly filled-in questionnaires were subjected to statistical analysis. Respondents demonstrated positive attitudes towards all three variables of interest. Non-SSC pu-pils/students were not different towards sport. Such situations were observed among girls from all school levels and only in a small part of the boys. However, based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that school level does not cause significant differences in adolescent attitudes to-wards sport (p=0.36). The attitudes are influenced by gender (attitude towards own participation in sports activities and attitude towards school sport − p<0.001) and participation in sports club activities (attitude towards sport as a social phenomenon, attitude towards own participation in sports activities, and attitude towards school sport − p<0.001).
DOI 10.2478/v10078-008-0024-8
Key words
adolescent, sport attitudes, questionnaire