Activity Preferences in Girls and Boys aged 10-14 from Moravia Region

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Sigmund E., Fromel K., Formankova S., Ludva P., Klimtova H.

Regular, long-term and voluntary performance of physical activities (hereafter PA) in adulthood is popularized, awakened and formed during childhood. The purpose of this study was to determine the trends in PA preferences, which could lead to improvement in the quality of physical education (hereafter PE) curriculum and the quality of lifestyle of children from the Moravia region. For this analysis 4354 girls and 3585 boys from grades 5 to 8 of 42 elementary schools were selected. These pupils filled out a standardized questionnaire of interests in the area of physical activities in the period of 1994-2000. The interest of boys and girls increased in fitness and sport-oriented PA and decreased in regard to health and aesthetically oriented PA: Swimming, as a form of PA is preferred by girls during the above-mentioned period. Girl’s interest increased in skiing, sport games (volleyball, table tennis, soccer, ice hockey, floorball) and decreased for dancing and gymnastics. The continual rise of preference for sport games (soccer, hockey including floorball, basketball and net-foot-ball), skating (including roller skating), hiking, cycling, athletics and running and a decrease in aquatic sports, fitness exercise and self-defense is characteristic for boys. There is a significant difference between the preferences of physical activities of girls and boys aged 10-14 from the Moravia region.
Key words
sport preferences, physical activity, PE curriculum, questionnaire,

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