The effect of a 19-day vibration platform training on selected biochemical parametrs of peripherial blood in people endangered with osteoporosis

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Malgorzata Zychowska, Marian Gawinek

This experiment dealt with examining the effect of low frequency vibrations on biochemical parameters of aerated blood, such as concentration of hemoglobin and acid-base equilibrium. Subjects participating in the experiment were divided into two groups. The experimental group (n=12) was subjected to daily, 15 minute long, 3.5 Hz vibrations on a vibration platform. The number of training sessions equaled 19. The other group, identical in number to the experimental, constituted a control group. Before and after the experiment blood from the fingertip was taken in order to determine the concentration of hemoglobin and parameters of acid-base equilibrium. Then the results were statistically analyzed and evident directions of changes of individual parameters were observed. The average concentration of hemoglobin considerably increased in the experimental group and it decreased in the control group. The lack of statistical significance of these differences is connected with a small number of participants in the test and a high value of standard deviation resulting from that. The parameters of acid-base equilibrium show the following direction of changes: decreasing of concentration of H+ ions (increase of pH in blood), smaller average deficit of buffering bases, increase of bicarbonate concentration and the decrease of p C02 and p 02. However, these changes were rather small, yet they can be of post-training character and should be considered beneficial.
Key words
low frequency vibrations, training, hemoglobin, acid-base equilibrium of blood

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