Determination of training loads of ffemale sprinters with the use of neural networks
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Rygula I.
Past experience indicates that speed exercises, forming the basis of sprinting successes, should take into account the specification of goals and particularity of used training means. Specification of goals presupposes the necessity of developing such features and characteristics of motion that determine the final speed of the sprinter. Peculiarity of means should depend on keeping structural similarity of directed, special and competition specific exercises. Because of the complexity of the processes determining speed training and danger of speed stabilization, the central position is taken by effective combining of methods containing optimum proportions of standard and variable forms of speed exercises (Sozański, Walencka 1988). This paper shows that an extremely important element of developing speed includes the proper (quantitative) structure of training loads. This means that the chosen exercises should reflect metabolic processes, which depend on the character of performed work, their intensity, duration, number of repetitions and time of rest periods. From the point of view of training effectiveness, it is extremely important to find the correct tool for choosing means in a given training cycle. The results confirm the experiences of coaches and sport scientists, that the structure of volume and intensity of training loads should be individually chosen with consideration of predispositions of separate athletes. Individualization of training is the most important condition for its optimization.
Key words
sport training, artificial neural networks, optimal control, speeds,