The influence of somatic traits and motor fitness on hurdle race results by untrained boys aged 11-15
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Iskra J., Mynarski W.
The goal of this paper was aimed at evaluation of relationships between chosen efficiency variables and somatic constitution indexes with results of a hurdle race by untrained boys at the age of 11-15. Continuous measurements, carried out between 1994-1998, were preceded by pilot researches (1993-1994) aimed at determining the principles of the run (distance between hurdles, height of hurdles) for particular age categories. The research project included 42 boys, pupils of primary school No. 15 in Ruda Śląska. Two variations of hurdle race were adopted, with 3- and 4-stride rhythm between hurdles, along with battery of efficiency tests directed according to specificity of a discipline (20-30 m, 40-60 m, and 120-180 m runs, standing triple-jump, countermovement jump, overhead medicine ball throw, forward bend and stepping onto a ladder). On the basis of the above mentioned tests, the following factors were calculated: – level of the technique of hurdle race, – co-ordination efficiency, – speed endurance, – flexibility of hip joint. For the analysis also used were variables of somatic constitution (body height and mass, length of lower limbs) to calculate Rohrer factor. Gathered data has been elaborated statistically to define normality of distribution of the variables under research, differences between results in successive years and differences between separated sub-groups (with a t-test, for dependent and independent variables). Interdependencies of results of a hurdle race with chosen motor fitness variables were evaluated by means of Pearson simple correlation coefficient. Lack of hurdle race velocity changes during the 5 year period of tests confirmed the aptness of every year modification of principles of the run according to changing body height. In most of the tests a systematic increase in results was observed. Between the age of 11 and 12 only results of the forward bend decreased, while endurance, flexibility and co-ordination did not show any essential changes. Hurdling efficiency, measured with a technique level index also decreased. For most variables the dynamics of changes reached the highest level between age 13 and 15; it was probably due to pubescence development transformations. Analysis of correlation showed that a hurdle race in groups of non-trained boys is a discipline with mainly energetic, alactacid anaerobic basis. Most distinct connections were observed between results of hurdle race with 3-stride rhythm and running tests, standing triple-jump and counter-movement jump. The above conclusion was confirmed by multiple regression equations. Among variables best explaining results of a hurdle race are: three runs (20-30 m, 40-60 m, and 120-180 m), standing triple jump and technique level index.
Key words
leigh athletic, competitive youth sports, selection