The Reliability of Specific Physical Fitness Assessments in Elite Female Chinese Wrestlers
(Yinchuan Bai, Naidan Xu, Xiangchen Li, Yupeng Shen)

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Yinchuan Bai, Naidan Xu, Xiangchen Li, Yupeng Shen

The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of eight specific fitness tests for elite female Chinese wrestlers. Twenty-eight elite female wrestlers participated in the study (age: 26.9 ± 2.81 years). The reliability of the tests was analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the 95% confidence interval (CI), the coefficient of variation (CV), and other metrics. The 30-s Sit-Up (SU30) and 6-m Rope Climb (RC6m) tests showed excellent reliability (ICC > 0.9). The 30-s Dummy Throw (DT30) had good to excellent reliability, while the 30-s Bridge-Return (B-R30) showed moderate to good reliability. The 30-s Burpee (BUR30), 15-s Leg Attack (LA15), 15-s Leg Defense (LD15), and Dummy Suplex and Gut Wrench (DS&GW) tests ranged from poor to good reliability. SU30, DT30, LA15, and RC6m tests displayed low variability (CV < 5%), while others exhibited moderate variability. SU30, B-R30, DT30, and RC6m tests are reliable for assessing wrestling fitness. However, BUR30 and LA15 tests showed high variability and should be used carefully. LD15 and DS&GW tests are not recommended for assessing fitness in elite female wrestlers.
DOI: 10.5114/jhk/187855
Bai, Y., Xu, N., Li, X., Shen, Y. (2024). The Reliability of Specific Physical Fitness Assessments in Elite Female Chinese Wrestlers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 94, 191-202.
Key words
combat sports, specific tests, coordination, speed, strength and endurance, consistency,

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